Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Presentation

  • Startupinformatik at IT-Gipfel Göttingen #itgipfelgoe

    Startupinformatik at IT-Gipfel Göttingen #itgipfelgoe

    I just returned from a presentation (and panel discussion) about entrepreneurship and Startupinformatik, my structured approach to creating student startups from a computer science Master’s program. Below, please find the slides of my presentation.

  • Open source career 2014 talk slides, photos, and video

    Open source career 2014 talk slides, photos, and video

    The talk “The Open Source Software Developer Career and its Benefits”, which I gave at the 2014 Entwicklertag in Karlsruhe earlier this year, is now fully documented. You can take a look at the original paper, talk slides, event photos, and finally (woohoo!) a quality video recording courtesy of Andrena, the organizers of the Entwicklertag.…

  • Talk slides: The open-source software developer career and its benefits

    Talk slides: The open-source software developer career and its benefits

    Today I held the new version of my “open source software developer career” talk for the first time, at the Karlruhe Entwicklertag. These are the slides and this is the underlying paper. The Entwicklertag collects feedback from the audience. One of the listeners put down “1+” on the feedback sheet, grading this professor with an…

  • Talk slides: Paid vs. volunteer work in open source paper

    Talk slides: Paid vs. volunteer work in open source paper

    Our HICSS-47 paper “paid vs. volunteer work in open source projects” paper was a best paper nominee. Please find included the slides for the talk.

  • The business of open models

    The business of open models

    I’m at beautiful Schloss Dagstuhl once again this week, for a seminar on “Open Models as a Foundation of Future Enterprise Systems”. I was asked to spin some thoughts on what the Open Models Initiative could learn from open source. The result is a short but sweet presentation on “the business of open models”. My…

  • Linux-Tag Keynote Slides: A New Developer Career

    Linux-Tag Keynote Slides: A New Developer Career

    I just finished my Linux-Tag 2010 keynote and so I’m providing the talk slides here under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license. First title and abstract: Title: Open Source: A New Developer Career Abstract: Open source creates a new career ladder for software developers, orthogonal to the traditional career in software firms. Advancing on this…