Latest in Industry and Research Publications
The Java IP Story
Every year, I teach the AMOS class, a lab course on “Agile Methods and Open Source” that combines lectures with a real software project that ideally turns into a startup (see the AMOS Project concept, in German). To explain open source, I have to introduce students to intellectual property rights, of which most have been…
Call for Papers: SoSyM Special Issue on Enterprise Modeling
Call for Papers as PDF Modern organizations rely on complex configurations of distributed IT systems that implement key business processes, provide databases, data warehousing, and business intelligence. The current business environment requires organizations to comply with a range of externally defined regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley and BASEL II. Organizations need to be increasingly agile, robust,…
The Open Source Big Bang
Open source is not only software, but also an approach to software development. The public nature of open source projects lets us show how open source software development scales to the largest project sizes. The following figure illustrates the scalability of open source software development. I call it the big bang of open source. The…
The Open Source Innovation and Commoditization Frontier
Following up on Matt Aslett’s excellent post about the growth of permissive licenses and a short discussion about it on my research group’s blog, I wanted to suggest here a thought about the ratio of new vendor-owned vs. community-owned open source projects. I’m ignoring existing projects because of their path dependence (read: only today do…
Dating Design Patterns Skit Script
While cleaning up, I found this copy of the OOPSLA 2004 Dating Design Patterns skit script. The skit itself was, as Brian Foote called it, occasionally humorous. I’m providing it here (before throwing out the paper copy) for the intermittent professional entertainment on my blog. We performed the skit at OOPSLA 2004. Fortunately, I don’t…
New Talk: How and Why IT User Companies Sponsor Open Source
New talk! For German, see below. Other stock talks here. If you are interested in this talk, feel free to contact me. Topics Open source, IT user company, open source foundation, sponsored open source Audience CIO, CFO, product manager, project manager Format 45min talk, 60min talk Level Intermediate How and Why IT User Companies Sponsor…