Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Call for Papers: ECOOP 2012

For your convenience, the ECOOP 2012 call for papers (I’m on the program committee).

Call for Papers 征稿启事

The European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP) is the premium international conference covering all areas of object technology and related software development technologies. ECOOP 2012 will take place from 11-16 June, 2012 in Beijing, China — only the second time ECOOP has been held outside Europe. ECOOP 2012 embraces a broad range of topics related to object-orientation, including:

  • Analysis and design methods and patterns
  • Databases, persistence, transactions
  • Concurrent, parallel, distributed, mobile, and real-time systems
  • Empirical and application studies
  • Frameworks, product lines, software architectures
  • Language design and implementation
  • Modularity, aspects, features, components, services, reflection
  • Software development environments and tools
  • Static and dynamic software analysis, testing, and metrics
  • Theoretical foundations, type systems, formal methods
  • Versioning, compatibility, software evolution

ECOOP 2012 solicits high quality submissions describing original and unpublished results. Papers will be evaluated according to originality and significance, precision and correctness, presentation and clarity, and relevance. Incremental improvements over previously published work should have been evaluated through systematic, comparative, empirical or experimental evaluation. Submissions of papers describing groundbreaking approaches to emerging problems will be considered based on timeliness and potential impact.

Only papers that have not been published and are not under review for publication elsewhere may be submitted. Double submissions will be rejected without review. Authors are required to disclose prior publication (formal or informal) of parts of the paper submitted to ECOOP or of closely related papers. Such prior publications must be cited and their relationship to the current submission explained. Authors are also required to inform the ECOOP 2012 program chair about closely related work submitted to another conference while the ECOOP submission is under review.

Submissions will be carried out electronically via CyberChair. Papers must be written in English, and be no longer than 25 pages, including references, appendices and figures, and written using the LNCS style. For more information about formatting please consult the Springer LNCS web site at http://www.springer.com. Clearly marked additional appendices, not intended for the final publication, containing supporting proofs, analyses, statistics, etc, may be included beyond the 25 page limit. The paper must stand alone, however, and reviewers are under no obligation to read any additional appendices. Reviewers are more likely to consult additional appendices rather than separate technical reports. ECOOP papers will be reviewed by the programme committee and additional expert reviewers: authors will have the opportunity to respond to reviews before the programme committee meeting.

For ECOOP 2012, submissions that have been submitted but not accepted by previous prestigious conferences (such as ECOOP, OOPSLA, POPL, PLDI, ICSE, or AOSD) may additionally submit a Note to Reviewers. The Note to Reviewers should a) identify the previous venue(s) (e.g. ECOOP’2011, OOPSLA’2010); b) list the major issues identified by the reviews at those venues; and c) describe the changes made to the paper in response to those reviews.

Important dates 重要日期

Submission deadline

17 December 2011, 23:59 (Samoa)

Author rebuttals

13-14 February 2012

Acceptance notification

29 February 2012

More information

For more information, see the ECOOP 2012 website.

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