Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Call for Papers: Software Product Lines (SPLC 2012)

For your convenience, the SPLC 2012 call for papers (I’m on the program committee).

Call for Contributions (SPLC 2012)

We invite the following classes of contributions:

    1. Research papers: (max. 10 pages, 5 for short papers) describe original research contributions (theoretical, conceptual) to the field of software product line engineering. We also call for short research papers, which are intended to report ideas in their early stages. Submission deadline: Feb. 20th, 2012.
  1. Industrial papers: (max. 10 pages for full, 5 for short papers) describe experience in introducing, implementing and evolving product lines and success stories or problem reports of applications of product line engineering methods, techniques and tools in industry. Submission deadline: Feb. 20th, 2012. All research and full industry papers will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published through the ACM Digital Library.
  2. Workshops: The purpose of the workshop program is to provide a forum for bringing together people from industry, academia, and research institutions to present and discuss research results and practices. Workshops should be organized as full-day events. Submission deadline: March 1st, 2012.
  3. Tutorials: Tutorials will be held during the conference week in full-day or half-day sessions. A tutorial proposal consists of two pages describing the topic, the plan for conducting the tutorial, and the backgrounds of the presenters and the tutorial. We explicitly invite tutorials that have been held at other events. Submission deadline: March 1st, 2012.
  4. Submissions to Hall of Fame: Each SPLC culminates with a session in which members of the audience nominate systems for induction into the Software Product Line Hall of Fame. Those nominations feed discussions about what constitutes excellence and success in product lines. More information on nominations and election can be found at the conference website or at http://www.splc.net/fame.html
  5. Demonstrations and Tools: Demonstrations show the application of novel product line engineering concepts and techniques in practice. The demonstration with realistic use cases is encouraged. Submission deadline: April 30th, 2012.
  6. Doctoral Symposium: The Doctoral Symposium gives doctoral students the opportunity to discuss their research plans with experienced members of the community. Submission deadline: May 18th, 2012.

Further information regarding the submission processes and submission dates can be found in the separate calls on the website http://www.splc2012.net/ We invite you to be part of SPLC!

Information regarding sponsoring can be found on the website.

For further information please contact contact@splc2012.net.



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