Latest in Industry and Research Publications
Call for Papers: ICSE 2011
ICSE is the premier software engineering conference. Next year, it will be held in Hawaii, so expect a full house! Below, please find the call for research and technical papers from the program co-chairs Harald Gall and Nenad Medvidovic. Technical/Research Track ICSE is the premier forum for researchers to present and discuss the most recent…
Upcoming Talk (in German) July 2nd, 2010: Open Source: Was Es Ist, Wie Es Funktioniert, Warum Es Nachhaltig Ist
Speaker: Dirk Riehle Abstract: Open Source bezeichnet nicht nur eine Kategorie von Software, sondern auch einen Ansatz der Softwareentwicklung, welcher sich von plan-getriebenen und agilen Methoden der Softwareentwicklung unterscheidet. Zunehmend betrachtet die Softwareindustrie zudem Open Source als Geschäftsmodell. Dieser Vortrag erläutert an zum Teil überraschenden Beispielen, wie die Open-Source-Softwareentwicklung funktioniert und wie sie sich von…
Call for Papers: ACM CHIMIT 2010
The ACM CHIMIT 2010 organizers are soliciting submissions for Papers, Short Papers, Panels, Courses, Posters, and presentations of recently published papers in other venues. Please see the submission page for detailed submission instructions on each kind of contribution. I’m on the program committee. The Paper & Short Paper Deadline is July 3. ACM CHIMIT ’10…
WikiSym 2010 Program Announced!
The WikiSym 2010 program has been announced. Keynotes are by Cliff Lampe and Andrew Lih, and the program is full of research talks, workshops, posters, and demos. And, of course, there is a continuous track of open space available for everyone to discuss their wiki and open collaboration interests and issues. Check it out! And…
Linux-Tag Keynote Slides: A New Developer Career
I just finished my Linux-Tag 2010 keynote and so I’m providing the talk slides here under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license. First title and abstract: Title: Open Source: A New Developer Career Abstract: Open source creates a new career ladder for software developers, orthogonal to the traditional career in software firms. Advancing on this…
Call For Papers: AOSD 2011 Special Track on Modularity Visions
The AOSD 2011 conference is looking to explore novel ideas in modularity beyond what’s now “traditional” notions of separations of concerns. For this, they have created a new track, see below, which is open for early work that might not make it into the regular conference proceedings. I’m on the program committee and encourage you…