Latest in Industry and Research Publications
A model of product features in commercial open-source software [ICSOB 2013]
Abstract: Commercial open source software has become an important part of the packaged software product industry. This paper provides a model of individual product features, rather than full-fledged business models, and their perceived value to customers. The model is the result of a three-iteration study, including interview analysis, literature review and the implementation of an…
Call for participation: OC13 – Open Commons Kongress in Linz, Austria, 2013-05-14
Please consider participating in the Open Commons Kongress, OC13, in Linz, Austria (I’m on the advisory board.) More information below (in German). [DR] OC13 – Open Commons Kongress 14.05.2013, 9:00 – 16:30 Uhr Wissensturm Linz, Austria Lernen und Leben mit digitalen Gemeingütern Zum zweiten Mal veranstaltet die Johannes Kepler Universität Linz und die Open Commons…
Call for papers: PLoP 2013, the International Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
The 20th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs October 23–26, 2013—Allerton Park, Monticello, IL, USA The International Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs April 1994: Members of the small, eclectic, and informal Hillside group gathered in Ben Lomond, California, for their yearly retreat and in the redwoods that Spring hatched a plan that was PLoP…
Upcoming talk: Best of our empirical open source work
I’m at SOFSEM 2013, where I’ll present my current stock research talk: “Best of Our Empirical Open Source Work.” It is an invited talk. I’ve given it a few times now and expect to do many more during the course of 2013. Here is the abstract of this “best-of” talk: Open source software is publicly…
Announcing OpenSym 2013, the Open Symposium!
OpenSym is the conference for open collaboration researchers and practitioners, including free/libre/open source software, but also open access, open data, open government, and open innovation. OpenSym 2013 will be held for the first time in 2013, on Aug 5-7, in Hong Kong, China. OpenSym joins hands with WikiSym, an established conference that brings together wiki…
Product management and I know who you are (price discrimination on the web)
During a trip to New Zealand I found this wool store near Taihape, on the road between Taupo and Wellington. I bought a couple of pieces and was so happy that I went to their website to buy some more, which also turned out to be a pleasant experience. However, when I returned yet again,…