Latest in Industry and Research Publications
Learning Across Open Collaboration Perspectives
I’m at WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 and happy to notice that some of the hoped-for magic is happening: A cross-polination of insights and ideas across the different disciplinary perspectives on open collaboration. Specifically, I found that open source has developed insights of value to open access, open data, Wikipedia, etc. that have arrived only now…
WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 Proceedings Published!
The WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 proceedings have been made available online. Please see below for the table of contents, including through-clickable papers. All papers listed can be cited as appearing in the Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (WikiSym + OpenSym 2013). ACM, 2013. FRONTMATTER FW Abstract Foreword, Table of Contents,…
How commercial involvement affects open source projects: Three case studies on issue reporting [Science China Journal]
Abstract: Most research on Internet software today has focused on inventing new technologies to keep track of a changing Internet. Little attention has been paid to the software development processes of Internet software. A large part of the software running the Internet is open source software. Open source software is developed both by volunteers and…
Design and implementation of wiki content transformations and refactorings [WikiSym 2013]
Abstract: The organic growth of wikis requires constant attention by contributors who are willing to patrol the wiki and improve its content structure. However, most wikis still only offer textual editing and even wikis which offer WYSIWYG editing do not assist the user in restructuring the wiki. Therefore, “gardening” a wiki is a tedious and…
The empirical commit frequency distribution of open source projects [OpenSym 2013]
Abstract: A fundamental unit of work in programming is the code contribution (“commit”) that a developer makes to the code base of the project in work. An author’s commit frequency describes how often that author commits. Knowing the distribution of all commit frequencies is a fundamental part of understanding software development processes. This paper presents…
Call for proposals: 2nd Open Data Dialog
November 18-19, 2013, Berlin “Open data has the potential to transform society, government and the economy, from how we travel to work to how we decide to vote,” declared Rufus Pollock, co-founder of Open Knowledge Foundation, at the 1st International Open Data Dialog, which took place in December 2012 in Berlin. With this year’s motto…