Latest in Industry and Research Publications
Upcoming public talks on open source
Here are three upcoming talks on open source for the next six months in 2014: I wish I was more consistent in announcing public talks…
Call for demos: Future programming workshop
Richard Gabriel and Jonathan Edwards are programming the future. Submit your demos!
The business of open source user foundations (consortia)
I held a talk on open source user foundations today, at the OpenUp Camp in Nuremberg. The slides are available as a PDF or on slideshare, embedded below: A small anecdote on the side In preparation of the talk, I looked for academic publications on the Kuali Foundation. I found only one, but I couldn’t…
Call for papers: Onward! Essays at SplashCon 2014 in Portland, OR
Please consider submitting a paper to Onward!Essays at SplashCon 2014. This year, SplashCon, and with it Onward!, will return to one of its favorite locations, Portland, OR. For the call for papers, see this link or this PDF. Disclaimer: I’m on the program committee.
Talk slides: Paid vs. volunteer work in open source paper
Our HICSS-47 paper “paid vs. volunteer work in open source projects” paper was a best paper nominee. Please find included the slides for the talk.
Looking for simple examples of product management failures and challenges
I’m looking for simple examples of product management failures and challenges that I can use in teaching our product management course. Photos or short stories would be great. To give you an idea of what I’m after, here are three examples. Unmaintainable teacup This unmaintainable cup with saucer is probably a best seller, but I’d…