Latest in Industry and Research Publications
From chat bot to AI (The AMOS Project Winter 2016/17)
Project name From Chat Bot to AI Project logo Project vision The project management tool “RPLAN” makes it possible to plan projects efficiently and transparently. The user’s planning effort should be as small as possible. This will be achieved through a smart product which proposes further steps independently to the customer. For this purpose,…
Why on earth?! Why product vendors invest in open-source software (upcoming talk, in German)
I give industry talks about every other week and stopped advertising them long ago. This one, however, may be of broad interest. I will talk about the economics of strategically creating and leading open source projects at the June 20th, 2017, Open Source Forum of Bitkom in Berlin. Title and abstract below, event details to…
Impressions from installing and configuring the Devolo Home Automation Control Center
As a first step, I had installed remote controlled (Z-Wave) thermostats for my radiators. In addition, I installed Devolo’s Control Center and registered on its website for access to the control center. I had thought, from a prior email exchange with Devolo’s support, that it would not be necessary to use their web service. However,…
Unwrapping and experiences with installing the Devolo Home Automation thermostats
As my first (rather small) home automation project I decided to install remote controlled radiator thermostats. (This is also known as a central thermostat and comes with most modern apartments, but then my new Berlin apartment is rather old and charming. It has no central thermostat, making me run around the apartment every morning to…
Making introductions for job interviews
(Cross-posting from As a human being, as a professional, and more recently as a professor, I’m happy to help people find jobs (time permitting). In fact, as a professor we have tagged HR professionals in our CRM database so that we can reach out easily to them. Still, introductions for job interviews require preparation…
Chaos testing (The AMOS Project Summer 2016)
Project name Chaos Testing Project logo Project vision A system to test, if new data and code versions for the DB ticket booking system are valid. The system is deployed in a Docker container to be used in a continuous delivery process. The data and code versions are integrated into a VM, given to…