Latest in Industry and Research Publications
FOSS compliance intensive seminar June 14-15th, 2018 in Berlin (in German)
Catharina Maracke’s Software Compliance Academy writes to us:
Understanding industry requirements for FLOSS governance tools
Abstract: Almost all software products today incorporate free/libre, and open source software (FLOSS) components. Companies must govern their FLOSS use to avoid potential risks to their intellectual property resulting from the use of FLOSS components. A particular challenge is license compliance. To manage the complexity of license compliance, companies should use tools and well-defined processes to…
Gotta love the pragmatism…
Photo path to berlin-style stealth startup
Impressions from Deutsche Bahn’s Mindbox in Berlin
The patch-flow method for measuring inner source collaboration [MSR 2018]
Abstract: Inner source (IS) is the use of open source software development (SD) practices and the establishment of an open source-like culture within an organization. IS enables and requires developers to collaborate more than traditional SD methods such as plan-driven or agile development. To better understand IS, researchers and practitioners need to measure IS collaboration.…