Latest in Industry and Research Publications
The challenge of product management in commercial open source
Open source is a viable business strategy for software vendors to disrupt existing markets and conquer new ones. Just why is it easy in some markets and hard in others? I argue that you need to cut the product in such a way that there is a clear separation between what a never-paying community-user wants…
The cardinal sin of commercial open source?
Redis is a popular open source database. Its proprietor, Redis Labs, recently announced that some add-on modules will not be open source any longer. The resulting outcry led to a defense and explanation of this decision that is telling. I have two comments and a lesson about product management of commercial open source. The two…
German engineering now and then
Microservices vs. inner source
I just listened to Eberhard Wolff’s BED-Con talk on microservice-based system architectures, which he prefers to call Independent Systems Architectures (ISA). One purpose of calling it ISA is to emphasize that there should be no common data model and no shared reusable libraries between microservices. Obviously, by discounting reuse, ISA may increase development speed short-term…
OpenKONSEQUENZ: Offene Software für Netzbetreiber (in German)
Consulting company PTA reports about its development of open source software for the German energy software user consortium openKONSEQUENZ, which sponsors and manages the development of open source software for the energy sector. The Netzpraxis article start out with: Auf der openKONSEQUENZ-Plattform steht seit kurzem Unternehmen der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft das Modul »Betriebstagebuch« zur Verfügung.…
Bitkom Forum Open Source 2018 (in German)
Am 18. September 2018 findet in Erfurt das 2018 Bitkom Forum Open Source statt. Thema ist die Werkzeugunterstützung von Open Source Governance und Compliance in der Softwarelieferkette. Meine Forschungsgruppe wird mit einem Vortrag zu Anforderungen an Open Source Governance and License Compliance vertreten sein, basierend auf einem gleichnamigen auf der OSS 2018 präsentierten Papier. Please…