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Bitkom Forum Open Source 2018 (in German)
Am 18. September 2018 findet in Erfurt das 2018 Bitkom Forum Open Source statt. Thema ist die Werkzeugunterstützung von Open Source Governance und Compliance in der Softwarelieferkette. Meine Forschungsgruppe wird mit einem Vortrag zu Anforderungen an Open Source Governance and License Compliance vertreten sein, basierend auf einem gleichnamigen auf der OSS 2018 präsentierten Papier. Please…
How to capture open source user consortia 4/4
tl;dr: Existing foundations need a new kind of incubator to capture budding user consortia. An open source user consortium is a consortium of companies who sponsor, steer, and possibly also develop open source software for their own use rather than as part of software products they sell. As explained previously, this phenomenon may not be…
The scope of the opportunity 3/4
tl;dr: The scope of the opportunity at hand is large, much larger than today’s impact of open source. The software industry is large; all other industries together that need software are larger. Much larger. Today’s open source software is mostly serving the needs of software vendors. When you look at the projects guided by the…
Does the incorporation type matter to open source foundations? 2/4
tl;dr: It doesn’t really matter how a foundation incorporates; what matters is the actual governance. A typical response to the creation of new open source foundations is to decry them as “vanity foundations”. In a few instances, that may be true, but I think as a generalization it is not correct. Usually, companies think first…
The Apache Software Foundation (@TheASF) is missing out 1/4
tl;dr: The ASF is not serving the needs of companies from outside the software industry well. The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is the original gold standard of open source foundations. Yet its project and governance model takes a one-size-fits-all approach that is holding beginners to such high standards that they may never get started with…
The 120 seconds open source pitch
I often have to “sell open source” and the pitch for this is ever changing. Here is the current one; it stands at 120 seconds and is aimed at the German Mittelstand. Any feedback is appreciated! “Software is eating the world” says a Silicon Valley venture capitalist. This is not just American hyberbole. Not only…