Latest in Industry and Research Publications
Upcoming talk on ten years of inner source case studies at UC Santa Cruz
Abstract Inner sourcing is the use of open source best practices within companies to improve engineering productivity. In 2006, I introduced inner source to SAP. After becoming a professor, my group helped further companies introduce inner source to their engineering organizations. Using three generations of projects, we report about our experiences and how we are…
Upcoming talk on industry best practices for corporate open source governance of software supply chains at UC Santa Cruz
Abstract Almost all software products today incorporate open source software either directly or through software supply chains, but many companies are not properly governing their use of open source, incurring potential risks. Since 2016, I have been researching industry best practices and processes around open source governance, focusing on software supply chains. I have interviewed…
Agile design thinking with Zalando at IAV in The AMOS Project (WS 2018/19)
Thank you, Vivekanand Jayakrishnan of Zalando, for teaching us! And thank you IAV DigiLab Berlin, for hosting us!
My top three trends for open source in 2019 (3/3)
The most important long-term trend, and my number #3 for the foreseeable future, is the sponsorship and management of open source software development by users, not vendors. The trend towards ubiquitous digitization is leading users of software to take their software fate into their own hands, establishing informal communities or incorporating as non-profit user consortia…
My top three trends for open source in 2019 (2/3)
Trend #2 for 2019 in my book is making single-vendor open source, also known as the open core model a.k.a. neo-proprietary open source, work in the world of cloud computing. In this model, a software vendor goes to market using an intellectual property strategy that combines open sourcing of the product with an aggressive copyleft…
My top three trends for open source in 2019 (1/3)
Trend #1 that took root in 2018 and will continue in 2019 is the clean-up of the open source supply chain. According to some lawyers, there is little legally valid software left, mostly because of unclear copyright and licenses of open source code in products and components. To clean up this mess, all open source…