Latest in Industry and Research Publications
The Footbridge From Ghost in the Shell
These photos are of the iconic (and rather ugly) circular footbridge in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. This location (and many others in Hong Kong) were the set for scenes from the Hollywood movie Ghost in the Shell, an adaptation of the classic Ghost in the Shell anime franchise. The footbridge was the backdrop for a…
The Argument For a Moral Machine in Autonomous Driving
I have a strong aversion against letting people drag their feet from being responsible for their actions. I feel particularly strongly about this when delegating work to machines, which are not able to act using an appropriate moral value system. Starting a car and letting an autonomous driving unit take over is one such example:…
The Argument Against a Moral Machine in Autonomous Driving
Ever since autonomous driving became a hot topic, I’ve tried to sell to our automotive industry partners the idea of a project to build a moral machine in autonomous driving. My definition of a moral machine (there are others) is: A moral machine (for autonomous driving) is a machine that encodes the driver’s moral value…
ACM Hypertext 2019 in Hof, Germany
The ACM Hypertext 2019 conference will take place in Hof, Germany, on September 17-20, 2019. Here is the conference’s scope in its own words: The ACM Hypertext conference is a premium venue for high quality peer-reviewed research on hypertext theory, systems and applications. It is concerned with all aspects of modern hypertext research including social…
Comments on the state of open source in Germany (in German)
A German trade magazine for IT professionals just published an article on the state of open source (in German). Yours truly and many others are featured in there, commenting (or lamenting) on how Germany needs to catch-up on open source, a propellant of digitization, as the author notes.
Summaries of The AMOS Projects Winter 2018/19
I just helped finish three AMOS projects, all with IAV Engineering, at TU Berlin (Prof. Schieferdecker). Below, please find the project summaries for the projects: FlyInn Project name FlyInn Project mission FlyInn aims at providing an improved multi-modal experience by enabling users to control their smartphone from an embedded device. The project’s final product should…