Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.1 Industry (General)

  • Software is eating the world auf Deutsch

    Software is eating the world auf Deutsch

    My university is preparing a bid for a major (fairly broad) German computer science conference. We are wondering how one would translate Marc Andreesen’s diktum “software is eating the world” into German. Software verschlingt die Welt? Naja. Vorschläge gern gesehen, Kommentare auch.

  • Communication in firm-internal global software development with China

    Communication in firm-internal global software development with China

    Abstract Globally distributed software development projects are on the rise. However, 69% of cross-regional projects fail completely or partially, because of lack of cross-cultural understanding. This paper presents a qualitative study of the impact of communication on Global Software Development (GSD) within firms due to cultural differences. In particular, we provide a model of problems…

  • For posteriority and reuse

    For posteriority and reuse

    FIWare is a large EU-sponsored program. It has a mission (“about”) statement. Specifically: FIWare is an open initiative aiming to create a sustainable ecosystem to grasp the opportunities that will emerge with the new wave of digitalization caused by the integration of recent Internet technologies. […] Below is a screenshot documenting the project.