Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Call for Papers: ICSE 2011

ICSE is the premier software engineering conference. Next year, it will be held in Hawaii, so expect a full house! Below, please find the call for research and technical papers from the program co-chairs Harald Gall and Nenad Medvidovic.

Technical/Research Track

ICSE is the premier forum for researchers to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering.

The ICSE 2011 theme of Software by Design reflects the widely-held view that the most important ingredient in ensuring a software system’s long-term success is its design. While other concepts, concerns, activities, artifacts, and processes are important to the success of a software engineering project, it is the quality of a system’s design that provides the critical ingredient. Highlighting design as the conference’s theme is meant to focus attention upon design’s centrality, to encourage reflection on design experience, to inspire new designers, and to encourage development of new design techniques.

We invite high quality submissions of technical / research papers describing original and unpublished results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual, and experimental software engineering research. Incremental improvements over previously published work should have been evaluated through systematic, comparative, empirical, or experimental evaluation. Submissions of papers describing groundbreaking approaches to emerging problems will be considered based on timeliness and potential impact.

Conference Topics

Conference topics of interest for ICSE include, but are not limited to:

  • Agile software development
  • AI- and knowledge-based software engineering
  • Aspect–orientation and feature interaction
  • Computer supported cooperative work
  • Empirical software engineering
  • End user software engineering
  • Engineering for mobile, ubiquitous, and pervasive software
  • Engineering of distributed/parallel software systems
  • Engineering of embedded and real–time software
  • Engineering secure software
  • Human–computer interaction
  • Internet and information systems development
  • Patterns and frameworks
  • Program comprehension and visualization
  • Programming languages
  • Reverse engineering and maintenance
  • Software architecture and design
  • Software components and reuse
  • Software configuration management and deployment
  • Software dependability, safety and reliability
  • Software economics and metrics
  • Software policy and ethics
  • Software processes and workflows
  • Software requirements engineering
  • Software testing and analysis
  • Software tools and development environments
  • Theory and formal methods

How to Submit

Please read all of these instructions prior to submitting your paper.

Research papers should describe innovative and significant original research relevant to ICSE as described above. Papers submitted for consideration should not have been published elsewhere and should not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere during the duration of consideration. ACM plagiarism policies and procedures shall be followed for cases of double submission.

All papers must conform at time of submission to the ICSE 2011 Format and Submission Guidelines, and must not exceed 10 pages, including all text, references, appendices and figures. All submissions must be in English. Submissions must be in PDF format.

Submissions that do not comply with the foregoing instructions will be desk rejected without review.

Note: camera–ready copy will use the same format and length limits required of submissions, and thus your submission should reflect the form that you anticipate your camera–ready copy will take.

Review and Evaluation Criteria

Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of originality, importance of contribution, soundness, evaluation, quality of presentation, and appropriate comparison to related work. The program committee as a whole will make final decisions about which submissions to accept for presentation at the conference.


Upon notification of acceptance, all authors of accepted papers will be asked to complete an ACM Copyright form and will receive further instructions for preparing their camera ready versions. At least one author of each paper is expected to present the results at the ICSE 2011 conference. All accepted contributions will be published in the conference electronic proceedings which will also be available as printed proceedings.

Important Dates

  • Submission Due Date: Friday, August 20, 2010
  • Notification Date: Friday, November 19, 2010
  • Camera-Ready Date: Friday, February 11, 2011

Mentoring Program

This program enables prospective submitters to the research/technical track to gain advice on the structure and content of a proposed submission. This program is available to prospective submitters who have not yet published a research/technical track paper at ICSE. Available now through July 1, 2010. See the Mentoring Program page for more information.


ICSE 2011 Call for Papers: Technical/Research Track (3MB Adobe PDF)

Program Co-Chairs

Harald Gall

University of Zurich, Switzerland


Nenad Medvidović

University of Southern California

United States of America

Program Committee



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  1. Olofin Bodunde Avatar
    Olofin Bodunde

    please, can you extend the date of this submission. i just got aware of this conference. thanks

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Dirk Riehle, Maha Shaikh. Maha Shaikh said: RT @dirkriehle CFP: ICSE 2011: ICSE is the premier software eng conference. Next year, it will be held in Haw… http://bit.ly/a9eqgm […]


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