Tag: Publication

  • From Developer Networks to Verified Communities: A Fine-Grained Approach [ICSE 2015]

    Abstract: Effective software engineering demands a coordinated effort. Unfortunately, a comprehensive view on developer coordination is rarely available to support software-engineering decisions, despite the significant implications on software quality, software architecture, and developer productivity. We present a fine-grained, verifiable, and fully automated approach to capture a view on developer coordination, based on commit information and…

  • How Developers Acquire FLOSS Skills [OSS 2015]

    Abstract: With the increasing prominence of open collaboration as found in free/libre/open source software projects and other joint production communities, potential participants need to acquire skills. How these skills are learned has received little research attention. This article presents a large-scale survey (5,309 valid responses) in which users and developers of the beta release of…

  • Improving Traceability of Requirements through Qualitative Data Analysis [SE 2015]

    Abstract: Traceability is an important quality aspect in modern software development. It facilitates the documentation of decisions and helps identifying conflicts regarding the conformity of one artifact to another. We propose a new approach to requirements engineering that utilizes qualitative research methods, which have been well established in the domain of social science. Our approach…

  • Fine-grained Change Detection in Structured Text Documents [DocEng 2014]

    Abstract: Detecting and understanding changes between document revisions is an important task. The acquired knowledge can be used to classify the nature of a new document revision or to support a human editor in the review process. While purely textual change detection algorithms offer fine-grained results, they do not understand the syntactic meaning of a…

  • Open Source for the Energy Sector (in German) [ew Magazine]

    A progress report towards an open source foundation for the energy sector (in German) that I initiated and am currently guiding. The article dates back to February already, but I got a hold of it only now. Konsortiale Open-Source-Softwareentwicklung im Energiesektor Christof Heinritz, Peter Herdt, Stephan Janeck, Gerhardt Regenbogen, Dirk Riehle, Frank Rose, Michael Roth,…

  • Erfolgsmethoden der Open-Source-Governance und -Compliance (Best Practices of Open-Source-Governance and -Compliance) [Technical Report]

    Abstract: Open-Source-Software ist weit verbreitet und wird nicht nur als alleinstehende Anwendungen eingesetzt, sondern auch als Komponenten in Produkten. Entsprechend wichtig ist es für Unternehmen, die Open-Source-Komponenten verwenden, mittels Open-Source-Governance und -Compliance sicherzustellen, dass die dem Einsatz von Open Source eigenen Risiken rechtzeitig und korrekt adressiert werden. Aufbauend auf früherer Arbeit zu den Risiken der…