Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Publication

  • How open source is changing the software developer’s career [Computer Magazine]

    How open source is changing the software developer’s career [Computer Magazine]

    Abstract: Software developers with open source project experience acquire verifiable technical expertise, peer-​certified competencies, and positional power—advantages that align with companies’ need to obtain a competitive advantage. Read more… Keywords: Software developer career, software labor economics, high-tech labor market, open source, inner source Reference: Dirk Riehle. “How Open Source is Changing the Software Developer’s Career.”…

  • From developer networks to verified communities: A fine-grained approach [ICSE 2015]

    From developer networks to verified communities: A fine-grained approach [ICSE 2015]

    Abstract Effective software engineering demands a coordinated effort. Unfortunately, a comprehensive view on developer coordination is rarely available to support software-engineering decisions, despite the significant implications on software quality, software architecture, and developer productivity. We present a fine-grained, verifiable, and fully automated approach to capture a view on developer coordination, based on commit information and…

  • How developers acquire FLOSS skills [OSS 2015]

    How developers acquire FLOSS skills [OSS 2015]

    Abstract: With the increasing prominence of open collaboration as found in free/libre/open source software projects and other joint production communities, potential participants need to acquire skills. How these skills are learned has received little research attention. This article presents a large-scale survey (5,309 valid responses) in which users and developers of the beta release of…

  • Improving traceability of requirements through qualitative data analysis [SE 2015]

    Improving traceability of requirements through qualitative data analysis [SE 2015]

    Abstract Traceability is an important quality aspect in modern software development. It facilitates the documentation of decisions and helps identifying conflicts regarding the conformity of one artifact to another. We propose a new approach to requirements engineering that utilizes qualitative research methods, which have been well established in the domain of social science. Our approach…

  • Fine-grained change detection in structured text documents [DocEng 2014]

    Fine-grained change detection in structured text documents [DocEng 2014]

    Abstract Detecting and understanding changes between document revisions is an important task. The acquired knowledge can be used to classify the nature of a new document revision or to support a human editor in the review process. While purely textual change detection algorithms offer fine-grained results, they do not understand the syntactic meaning of a…

  • Open source for the energy sector (in German) [ew Magazine]

    Open source for the energy sector (in German) [ew Magazine]

    A progress report towards an open source foundation for the energy sector (in German) that I initiated and am currently guiding. The article dates back to February already, but I got a hold of it only now. Konsortiale Open-Source-Softwareentwicklung im Energiesektor Christof Heinritz, Peter Herdt, Stephan Janeck, Gerhardt Regenbogen, Dirk Riehle, Frank Rose, Michael Roth,…