Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Publication

  • The ecosystem of openKONSEQUENZ, a user-led open source foundation [OSS 2020]

    The ecosystem of openKONSEQUENZ, a user-led open source foundation [OSS 2020]

    Companies without expertise in software development can opt to form consortia to develop open source software to meet their needs, as an alternative to the build-or-buy decision. Such user-led foundations are little understood, due to a limited number of published examples. In particular, almost nothing is known about the ecosystems surrounding user-led foundations. Our work…

  • Pattern discovery and validation using scientific research methods [Technical Report]

    Pattern discovery and validation using scientific research methods [Technical Report]

    Abstract: Pattern discovery, the process of discovering previously unrecognized patterns, is usually performed as an ad-hoc process with little resulting certainty in the quality of the proposed patterns. Pattern validation, the process of validating the accuracy of proposed patterns, has rarely gone beyond the simple heuristic of “the rule of three”. This article shows how…

  • Industry best practices for FLOSS governance and component reuse [EuroPLoP 2019]

    Industry best practices for FLOSS governance and component reuse [EuroPLoP 2019]

    Abstract: Corporate use of open source in software products is on the rise. While this brings a number of technological and business benefits to companies, it also comes with potential legal and financial risks caused by license non-compliance and ungoverned use of open source components. Companies address these threats with free/libre and open source software (FLOSS)…