Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Presentation

  • Single-Vendor Open Source at the Crossroads (Slides) #lfosls

    Single-Vendor Open Source at the Crossroads (Slides) #lfosls

    I’ll be giving a presentation on single-vendor open source today at the Linux Foundation Open Source Leadership Summit 2019. Abstract: Most venture capital funding in open source flows to single-vendor open source firms. With the struggles over licensing in the cloud, these companies find themselves at the crossroads: Stay true to open source or move…

  • The Innovations of Open Source colloquium talk at University of Hamburg

    The Innovations of Open Source colloquium talk at University of Hamburg

    Update 2019-01-30: The talk slides and a video recording (local copy) are available now. I got invited and will be presenting a talk in the colloquium of the computer science department at the University of Hamburg tomorrow, January 28th, 2019, at 17:00 Uhr. The talk topic are the innovations of open source and I will present…

  • Ten years of inner source case studies (video)

    Ten years of inner source case studies (video)

    Georg Grütter of Bosch recorded my keynote at the Inner Source Commons summit in Renningen, Germany, on May 16th, 2018, and put it on Youtube. Please watch it below (original video, local copy). According to Georg, the video is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 (for the Bosch part) and I agree (for my part). Hence…