Latest in Industry and Research Publications
Patterns of Effective Tweeting and Retweeting
These are patterns and practices of getting the most out of your 140 characters on Twitter. dirkriehle: Examples are in-lined using blockquote like this; the author is named first Table of Contents General Principles Informational Messages Directed Conversations Social Filtering Global Communication
Call for Papers: Empirical Research Free/Libre Open Source Software
Call for papers: Special issue of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) Empirical Research on Free/Libre Open Source Software Important dates Deadline for articles 15 October 2009 Initial decisions by 15 January 2010 Revisions due 15 April 2010 Final decision by 15 July 2010
A Twitter Best Practice
There are many best practices of using Twitter for organizations. Here is one; I may post others in loose order as I have good examples at hand. I was attending IBM’s NPUC:09. Like many, my first reaction when I’m unhappy these days is to tweet about it. dirkriehle: Almaden is a great location, on top…
Commercial Open Source: The Naming Confusion Remains
In 2004, SugarCRM coined the term “commercial open source“. This term was intend to separate the commercially-oriented open source projects of venture-capital-backed startups from the then dominant community open source projects. The term was picked up quickly, by many. I (as well as others) define it the following way: “A commercial open source firm is…
Summary and Translation of Microblogging Can Enhance Productivity Interview
Courtesy of SAP, here an English-language summary translation of the interview with Oliver Günther on micro-blogging and productivity. Originally: “Das Microblogging kann die Produktivität durchaus steigern.” Computer Zeitung, June 15, 2009. The integration of micro-blogging in corporations makes sense, concludes a project by SAP Research in Palo Alto and the Institute for Business Informatics at…
Micro-Blogging in the Enterprise Can Improve Productivity
Oliver Günther, a co-author of our micro-blogging in the enterprise study and a Professor at prestigious Humboldt University (of Berlin, Germany), was interviewed by the German tech weekly “Computer Zeitung” on the subject matter. He re-iterated our main point that micro-blogging can improve productivity in enterprises (but also that more work needs to be done).…