Latest in Industry and Research Publications
SPLASH OOPSLA 2010 Technical Research Papers
The program chair of SPLASH OOPSLA 2010, Martin Rinard, let me post this list of accepted research paper submissions to be presented at OOPSLA 2010. (This post is an experiment.) Check-out the conference website at and make sure to attend! Papers are alphabetically sorted, nothing implied, please wait for the proceedings for final order,…
Public Open Source Talks in June and July 2010
These are the currently scheduled public open source talks that I’ll be presenting in June and July 2010:
Revised 2010 Stock Open Source Talks
I revised my stock open source talk descriptions. These talks will keep changing, naturally. What’s current you can find at presentations/current-talks. For what’s current right now, see below. These talks come in English or German, and as talks or (partially) as tutorials. 1. What Closed Source Development Can Learn From Open Source Open source is…
Open Source Software Research Inaugural Lecture at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Last Friday, I presented my inaugural lecture at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, as is customary for a new professor. My topic was open source software research, and I’m making the slides available under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license. The talk took place on April 30th, 2010, during FAU’s 2010 Tag der Informatik (Day of…
OpenSAGA and making community open source attractive
Over at the OSR Group’s website we just announced that I have joined the scientific advisory board of OpenSAGA, a soon to be released open source infrastructure project for eGovernment services. (SAGA is German for Standards and Architectures for eGovernment Applications so it is somewhat Germany centric.) OpenSAGA was started by one company, Quinscape GmbH,…
Next Three Public Open Source Talks
These are the next three public open source (research) talks I’ll be doing: 2010-04-25: “Open Source Economics” at the 2010 NPFOSST workshop, KACST, Saudia Arabia. 2010-04-30: “Open Source Software Research” at the 2010 Erlanger Informatik-Tag, Erlangen, Germany. (In German.) 2010-05-05: “Why Open Source is Hard for Closed Source Vendors” at JAX 2010, Mainz, Germany.