Latest in Industry and Research Publications
The single-vendor commercial open source business model [Book Chapter]
Update 2012-01-28: Springer changed the citation. The reference below reflects this. Springer just republished our 2009 article on how vendor-owned open source works, again. Here is the abstract: Abstract: Single-vendor commercial open source software projects are open source software projects that are owned by a single firm that derives a direct and significant revenue stream…
Control points and steering mechanisms in open-source software projects
Following up on my Lisog talk earlier this month, I was asked to write up the talk’s content. So here we go, my analysis of what commercial open source firms do to manage or steer open source projects they depend on. Abstract: Most commercial software today depends on open source software. The commercial software might…
Upcoming Talk: Steering and Control Mechanisms in Open Source Software Projects (in German)
Next week, on Nov 11, 2011, I’ll give the keynote talk (in German) at the annual Lisog gathering. Lisog is a non-profit organization working to create a sustainable co-existence of open and closed source software. Title: Steering and Control Mechanisms in Open Source Software Projects Abstract: Open source has become commercial. With commercial interests, it…
Revamping German Copyright Law #EIDG
The German Enquete commission “Internet and Digital Society” is a multilateral commission instituted by the German parliament to discuss and make recommendations on, well, Internet and digital society. I’m a member of an expert advisory council for one of the parties involved in the commission. I received the following catalog of questions and thought I’d…
Open Source Business Research at OWF 2010
Update, 2010-11-05: If you like this blog post, you might also like my artikel on the single-vendor commercial open source business model. This afternoon, I’ll be presenting my thoughts on the current state of open source business research and future directions at the OpenWorldForum 2010 in Paris. I have summarized these thoughts in this blog…
Open World Forum State of Open Source
The Open World Forum 2010 is coming up next week. Please meet me there and discuss with me on their respective panels. See you in Paris, Sept 30-Oct 1!