Latest in Industry and Research Publications
The Parser That Cracked The MediaWiki Code
I am happy to announce that we finally open sourced the Sweble Wikitext parser. You can find the announcement on my research group’s blog or directly on the Sweble project site. This is the work of Hannes Dohrn, my first Ph.D. student, who I hired in 2009 to implement a Wikitext parser. So what about…
Open Commons Region Linz is Starting
The region of and around Linz, Austria, has declared itself the Open Commons Region Linz. The opening festivities, including talks, free-of-charge, will take place on April 11th, 2011, in Linz (naturally). Read more about it on the blog of the Open Commons Region Linz! I’m a member of the academic advisory council of the Open…
More Upcoming Talks: Open Source Research
I’ll be presenting the Open Source Research talk repeatedly over the next few months. The next three instances are in China, specifically: After that it’s back to Germany.
Upcoming Talk, Tsinghua University: Open Source Research
报告题目 Open Source Research 报告人 Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle, University of Erlangen, Germany 时间 2011年03月17日(周一) 10:00am-noon 地点 FIT大楼 4-302 Abstract: Open source is not just software but also represents a new approach to software development. This type of software development is different from traditional plan-driven and agile methods and scales up to the largest project…
Call for Papers: OSS 2011, the 7th International Conference on Open Source Systems
Conference Theme Over the past decade, the Open Source Software (OSS) phenomenon has had a global impact on the way organisations and individuals create, distribute, acquire and use software and software-based services. OSS has challenged the conventional wisdom of the software engineering and software business communities, has been instrumental for educators and researchers, and has…
New German edition of Design Patterns (Entwurfsmuster) book (in German)
Seit ein paar Monaten ist die neue Ausgabe des Entwurfsmusterbuchs verfügbar. Dies ist meine Übersetzung des Klassikers “Design Patterns” von Erich Gamma et al. aus dem Amerikanischen. Mit der neuen Ausgabe kommen einige Neuerungen und Änderungen. An erster Stelle zu nennen wäre der neue Umschlag: Der tatsächliche Inhalt der Sprechblase in der endgültigen veröffentlichten Fassung…