Latest in Industry and Research Publications
A model of open source developer foundations [OSS 2012]
Abstract: Many community open source projects are of high economic relevance. As these projects mature, their leaders face a choice of continuing the project as is, making the project join an existing foundation, or creating their own foundation for the project. This article presents a model of open source developer foundations that project leaders can…
Short position paper on open source (in German)
Positionspapier zu “Open Source” für die EIDG Projektgruppe Interoperabilität, Standards, Open Source Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle, M.B.A. / Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Open Source ist eine disruptive Innovation in der Softwareindustrie. Sie hat zu neuen Geschäftsmodellen geführt, mit denen Softwareunternehmen schneller und kostengünstiger bessere Software entwickeln und damit etablierte Spieler aushebeln können. Für die wenigen großen deutschen…
Open source in automotive industry rising
Bearing Point Consulting just published a study on the use of open source software in the automotive industry. It shows how open source is on the rise, no surprise. Martin Helmreich, a student of mine, did most of the work, and I guided study conception and evaluation. Here are links to the German version and…
The business of open models
I’m at beautiful Schloss Dagstuhl once again this week, for a seminar on “Open Models as a Foundation of Future Enterprise Systems”. I was asked to spin some thoughts on what the Open Models Initiative could learn from open source. The result is a short but sweet presentation on “the business of open models”. My…
Call for papers: HICSS-46 minitrack on open movements
OPEN MOVEMENTS: FLOSS, OPEN CONTENTS, OPEN ACCESS AND OPEN COMMUNITIES Conference Site: Grand Wailea Maui Dates: 7-10 January 2013 HICSS conferences are devoted to the most relevant advances in the information, computer and system sciences and encompass developments in both theory and practice. Accepted papers may be theoretical, conceptual, tutorial or descriptive in nature. Those…
Tracking and preparing for ECOOP 2012
Here is useful information from the chair if you are considering attending ECOOP 2012 in Beijing! See you at ECOOP 2012 in Beijing!