Latest in Industry and Research Publications
Industry best practices for FLOSS governance and component reuse [EuroPLoP 2019]
Abstract: Corporate use of open source in software products is on the rise. While this brings a number of technological and business benefits to companies, it also comes with potential legal and financial risks caused by license non-compliance and ungoverned use of open source components. Companies address these threats with free/libre and open source software (FLOSS)…
How to select open source components (Diomidis Spinellis, IEEE Computer)
I’m happy to report that the fifth article in the new open source column of IEEE Computer has been published. Title How to Select Open Source Components Keywords Open Source Software, Licenses, Documentation, Computer Bugs, Software Project Management Authors Diomidis Spinellis, Athens University of Economy and Business Publication Computer vol. 52, no. 12 (December 2019),…
Open Source is an On-ramp to the Cloud
I was surprised to hear the other day that “the cloud is killing open source”. I thought we settled that one ten years ago. Nothing could be further from the truth: Open source and cloud computing work together well. From a commercial open source business model perspective, open source is the on-ramp to a cloud…
If Open Data is Like Open Source (20 Years Ago) 5/5: Inner Data
In five posts, I want to speculate about the next twenty years of open data based on the past twenty years of open source. The idea is to transfer what we learned from open source in one way or another to open data. This is part 5 on inner data, that is, the collaborative creation…
If Open Data is Like Open Source (20 Years Ago) 4/5: Creating and Leading Open Data
In five posts, I want to speculate about the next twenty years of open data based on the past twenty years of open source. The idea is to transfer what we learned from open source in one way or another to open data. This is part 4 on creating and leading open data projects. Open…
If Open Data is Like Open Source (20 Years Ago) 3/5: Contributing to Open Data
In five posts, I want to speculate about the next twenty years of open data based on the past twenty years of open source. The idea is to transfer what we learned from open source in one way or another to open data. This is part 3 on contributing to open data projects. Contributing to…