Latest in Industry and Research Publications
Open Collaboration: Self-Organizing Innovation in Large Corporations
Author: Dirk Riehle, SAP Research, SAP Labs LLC Reference: Steven Fraser (editor). “Escaped from the Lab: Innovation Practices in Large Organizations.” In Companion of the 2008 Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA ’08). ACM Press, 2008: Pages 787-790. Available as a PDF file; my part follows as HTML below. Position statement…
Open Source Software Developer Careers
How we develop open source software can vary widely from project to project. However, the roles we play are similar across projects: user, developer, tester, documenter, committer, etc. For a while now, I have been interested in what open source means for software developer careers, in particular with respect to fame and fortune. The figure…
The Imperfection of Search Algorithms
This is a professional blog, so I usually leave humorous excursions into my life to my personal blog. Well, unless there is good reason for an exception. Today was such a day. That’s because today to much fanfare a new search service, improbably named CUIL was launched. A friend alerted me to the observation that…
End-User Programming with Application Wikis
Title: End-User Programming with Application Wikis: A Panel with Ludovic Dubost, Stewart Nickolas, and Peter Thoeny Author: Dirk Riehle Abstract: Wikis empower users to collaborate with each other using prose. Users imprint data structures and processes onto wiki pages using social and technical conventions. Application wikis enhance wiki engines with lightweight programming features that aid…
Interdisciplinary Research on Wiki Communities Workshop
For your information, a workshop on interdisciplinary research on wiki communities. CALL FOR PAPERS First Workshop on “Interdisciplinary Research on Wiki Communities”, on September 8, 2008, at WikiSym 2008, Porto, Portugal, September 8-10, 2008 Introduction The array of approaches to studying wikis is a source of wealth but also a possible source of confusion: What…
Bringing Open Source Best Practices into Corporations Using a Software Forge
The pre-publication version of this paper has been superseded by the final copy-edited version.