Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1. Software Industry

  • For posteriority and reuse

    For posteriority and reuse

    FIWare is a large EU-sponsored program. It has a mission (“about”) statement. Specifically: FIWare is an open initiative aiming to create a sustainable ecosystem to grasp the opportunities that will emerge with the new wave of digitalization caused by the integration of recent Internet technologies. […] Below is a screenshot documenting the project.

  • From developer networks to verified communities: A fine-grained approach [ICSE 2015]

    From developer networks to verified communities: A fine-grained approach [ICSE 2015]

    Abstract Effective software engineering demands a coordinated effort. Unfortunately, a comprehensive view on developer coordination is rarely available to support software-engineering decisions, despite the significant implications on software quality, software architecture, and developer productivity. We present a fine-grained, verifiable, and fully automated approach to capture a view on developer coordination, based on commit information and…

  • How developers acquire FLOSS skills [OSS 2015]

    How developers acquire FLOSS skills [OSS 2015]

    Abstract: With the increasing prominence of open collaboration as found in free/libre/open source software projects and other joint production communities, potential participants need to acquire skills. How these skills are learned has received little research attention. This article presents a large-scale survey (5,309 valid responses) in which users and developers of the beta release of…

  • The Wall Street Journal and Berlin reporting

    The Wall Street Journal and Berlin reporting

    The Wall Street Journal provides a nice infographic on the “billion dollar club“, that is, startups of valuation $1B or above. In Europe, the WSJ counts six >$1B startups, of which one is in Amsterdam (Adyen), one is in Stockholm (Spotify) and two are in London (Powa, Shazam) and Berlin (Delivery Hero, Home24). In addition,…

  • Vortrag zu Open-Source-Geschäftsmodellen auf dem 10ten OSE Symposium, München, 2015-01-23

    Vortrag zu Open-Source-Geschäftsmodellen auf dem 10ten OSE Symposium, München, 2015-01-23

    Ich werde am 23.01.15 um 16:00 Uhr auf dem 10ten OSE Symposium im Haus der Bayrischen Wirtschaft in München einen Vortrag zu Open-Source-Geschäftsmodellen halten (in Deutsch) und danach an einer die Tagung abschliessenden Diskussions­runde teilnehmen. Weitere Teilnehmer der Diskussionsrunde sind Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger (ehemalige Bundesjustizministerin) und Jimmy Schulz (ehemaliges MdB). Hier die Rahmendaten: Es handelt sich…

  • The impact of germany’s stop of Uber

    The impact of germany’s stop of Uber

    A German court ordered Uber to stop offering its taxi services (for now). The argument was as to be expected: Uber taxi drivers and cars are not fit for the job. This is definitely the right decision under the assumption that the German taxi approval rules make sense. Even if the court decision stands, this…