Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)
The five stages of open source volunteering [Book Chapter]
Abstract: Today’s software systems build on open source software. Thus, we need to understand how to successfully create, nurture, and mature the software development communities of these open source projects. In this article, we review and discuss best practices of the open source volunteering and recruitment process that successful project leaders are using to lead…
Best quotes for promoting open source developer career article
IEEE Computer asked me about some quotes for promoting my recent article on developer careers, to be used on their social media channels. Naturally, I had a field day. A brainstorm ensued. Here are some of the better ones I suggested to them: The changing career of programmers: Open source to help or hurt?…
How open source is changing the software developer’s career [Computer Magazine]
Abstract: Software developers with open source project experience acquire verifiable technical expertise, peer-certified competencies, and positional power—advantages that align with companies’ need to obtain a competitive advantage. Read more… Keywords: Software developer career, software labor economics, high-tech labor market, open source, inner source Reference: Dirk Riehle. “How Open Source is Changing the Software Developer’s Career.”…
How developers acquire FLOSS skills [OSS 2015]
Abstract: With the increasing prominence of open collaboration as found in free/libre/open source software projects and other joint production communities, potential participants need to acquire skills. How these skills are learned has received little research attention. This article presents a large-scale survey (5,309 valid responses) in which users and developers of the beta release of…
Vortrag zu Open-Source-Geschäftsmodellen auf dem 10ten OSE Symposium, München, 2015-01-23
Ich werde am 23.01.15 um 16:00 Uhr auf dem 10ten OSE Symposium im Haus der Bayrischen Wirtschaft in München einen Vortrag zu Open-Source-Geschäftsmodellen halten (in Deutsch) und danach an einer die Tagung abschliessenden Diskussionsrunde teilnehmen. Weitere Teilnehmer der Diskussionsrunde sind Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger (ehemalige Bundesjustizministerin) und Jimmy Schulz (ehemaliges MdB). Hier die Rahmendaten: Es handelt sich…
Upcoming keynote: Sustainable open source
I’ll be keynoting the 16th KKIO Software Engineering Conference on Sept 22, 2014, in Posnan, Poland. Here is the abstract. See you at the conference! Abstract MySQL was sold for one billion US-dollar. Red Hat is worth a multiple of that. The Eclipse Foundation has pushed many software tool vendors out of business. How come…