Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.1 Industry (General)

  • Micro-Blogging in the Enterprise Can Improve Productivity

    Oliver Günther, a co-author of our micro-blogging in the enterprise study and a Professor at prestigious Humboldt University (of Berlin, Germany), was interviewed by the German tech weekly “Computer Zeitung” on the subject matter. He re-iterated our main point that micro-blogging can improve productivity in enterprises (but also that more work needs to be done).…

  • Modeling Micro-Blogging Adoption in the Enterprise

    Abstract: Despite a broad range of collaboration tools already available, enterprises continue to look for ways to improve internal and external communication. Micro-blogging is such a new communication channel with some considerable potential to improve intra-firm transparency and knowledge sharing. However, the adoption of such social software presents certain challenges to enterprises. Based on the…

  • Micro-Blogging in the Enterprise: Focus Groups Evaluation Results

    A couple of weeks ago, Oliver Günther and I reported about the results of the Micro-Blogging in the Enterprise Focus Groups we had undertaken in December 2008. The report was an internal talk at SAP Labs LLC in Palo Alto and drew a record audience. I’m glad to report that we can publish the slides…