Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 3.3 Teaching (General)

  • Stock options case in software product management course at @UniFAU

    Stock options case in software product management course at @UniFAU

    Software product management by case is a college-level course that I created for teaching product management to computer science students. Using the case method, it helps students understand complex real-life situations in product management as well as the strategies and methods used to deal with them. Some cases are not about product management, though. An…

  • Why I don’t teach a traditional software architecture course (any longer)

    Why I don’t teach a traditional software architecture course (any longer)

    tl;dr The software development contexts that I deal most with these days are open source projects and fast-moving startups; both don’t seem to have much use for what is traditionally taught in software architectures courses. Let me start by saying that I love a good software architecture as well as software architecture in general. My…

  • Clarification of “Why I still teach Scrum”

    Clarification of “Why I still teach Scrum”

    Teaching Scrum at University is challenging. Students are typically at the beginning of their career and don’t understand the challenges of communication and coordination in software engineering well. In a prior post on Why I Still Teach Scrum I had made a cryptic remark to that end and through various channels was asked to clarify…