Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 5. Personal Matters

  • Unwrapping and experiences with installing the Devolo Home Automation thermostats

    Unwrapping and experiences with installing the Devolo Home Automation thermostats

    As my first (rather small) home automation project I decided to install remote controlled radiator thermostats. (This is also known as a central thermostat and comes with most modern apartments, but then my new Berlin apartment is rather old and charming. It has no central thermostat, making me run around the apartment every morning to…

  • Re: Your unsolicited email / our joint problem

    Re: Your unsolicited email / our joint problem

    To: ana.tackett@orcapr.com, eastonjohnston@iodimpact.com, digitalpragency@gmail.com, RobertP@informationhub.biz, gina@bloc.io, pms990@gmail.com, jillr@blackswansmedia.com, davidf@lfpr.com, khurst@harriswilliams.com, nancyt@vorticom.com, james@planet-dm.com, … Dear PR professional: With respect to our joint problem, Stanford researchers have found a solution! Please see here for the answer: http://www.scs.stanford.edu/~dm/home/papers/remove.pdf With kind regards, Dirk Riehle PS: If the research paper above doesn’t load, please see this copy: https://dirkriehle.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/remove.pdf

  • The humor that is Alexa 2 / 2

    The humor that is Alexa 2 / 2

    So the Echo Dot seems like a good addition to a larger apartment or house. In addition, Amazon promises you can order it through your existing Alexa device. So I tried: Me: “Alexa, order an Echo Dot.” Echo: “I can only order product for Prime members. So I added Echo Dot to your shopping list.…