Improving velocity of code contributions in open source (Zaks et al., IEEE Computer)
I’m happy to report that the 29th article in the open source column of IEEE Computer has been published.
Improving velocity of code contributions in open source
Open Source, Open Source Software, Community Engagement, Composers, Software Quality, Open Source Projects, Complex Projects, Design Phase, Acceptance Criteria, Collaborative Platform, Time Feedback, Real Time Communication, Strategic Initiatives, Java Script Object Notation
Irina Zaks, Timothy Lehnen, and Aaron Zaks
Computer vol. 57, no. 6 (June 2024), pp 90-96
Abstract: Velocity is speed with direction. If we are not moving in the right direction, higher speed does not bring us to our goal quicker. “If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable,” said Seneca.
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