Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Startupinformatik at IT-Gipfel Göttingen #itgipfelgoe

I just returned from a presentation (and panel discussion) about entrepreneurship and Startupinformatik, my structured approach to creating student startups from a computer science Master’s program. Below, please find the slides of my presentation.

[slideshare id=72790387&doc=startupinformatik-170303233054]

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  1. Squeng Avatar

    Very interesting, thanks for sharing!
    I’m not sure about the Business person (sales focused) (“hustler”), though. I’d rather have one Product manager (“designer”) and two Developers (“coders”), one or two of which can do customer development (as explained in http://www.bobdorf.co/book.html). Example: founding team of Berlin-based Elohna GmbH.

    1. Dirk Riehle Avatar

      In the early stages, more developers is usually better than less developers 😉 I think these three skills / roles are usually named as the key to raising a first financing round.

  2. […] that’s it. Check out the slides from my Star­tupin­for­matik talk on how to cre­ate star­tups from a com­put­er sci­ence Master’s […]

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