Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Upcoming keynote: The software engineering education tripod: Students, teachers, and industry

I’ll be keynoting the European Conference on Software Engineering Education on Nov 28, 2014, at 11:00 Uhr, at Seeon Monastery, Germany. Here is the abstract. See you at the conference!


Over the last few years, we have shifted most of our courses from traditional upfront lecturing to project-based learning. Each course consists of multiple projects with three main stakeholders: students, teachers, and industry. Using AMOS, our “agile methods and open source” software engineering course as the example, we review our course concept and discuss our experiences. We take the perspectives of the three stakeholders in turn: Achieving learning goals and performing meaningful work (students), fulfilling both an educational and an economic mission (university), and receiving a return on time and monetary investment (industry). The perhaps surprising result is that these three perspectives can work together well and make reaching each stakeholder’s goal easier.


We recently discussed our approach on my research group’s website as the “Lehrkonzept der Praktischen Softwaretechnik an der FAU” (in German).

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