Abstract: Despite a broad range of collaboration tools already available, enterprises continue to look for ways to improve internal and external communication. Micro-blogging is such a new communication channel with some considerable potential to improve intra-firm transparency and knowledge sharing. However, the adoption of such social software presents certain challenges to enterprises. Based on the results of four focus group sessions, we identified several new constructs to play an important role in the micro-blogging adoption decision. Examples include privacy concerns, communication benefits, perceptions regarding signal-to-noise ratio, as well codification effort. Integrating these findings with common views on technology acceptance, we formulate a model to predict the adoption of a micro-blogging system in the workspace. Our findings serve as an important guideline for managers seeking to realize the potential of micro-blogging in their company.
Reference: Oliver Günther, Hanna Krasnova, Dirk Riehle, Valentin Schöndienst. “Modeling Micro-Blogging Adoption in the Enterprise.” In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2009). AIS Electronic Library, 2009. Paper 544.
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