Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing in Software Development Teams (SofTEAM ’09)

For your information, a workshop on Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing in Software Development Teams (SofTEAM ’09)


European Workshop on “Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing in Software Development Teams (SofTEAM’09)”


In Conjunction with SE 2009, Kaiserslautern, Germany, March 2nd

Submissions deadline 20th December 2008

This Call for Papers as a one-page PDF file.


“These are indeed interesting times. The challenges of software development are certainly not going to go away, for we as an industry are continually being driven to do more with less. Methods and processes help; so do languages, frameworks, and tools. However, software development is ultimately a human endeavor, and as such it’s ultimately the efforts of the software development team that enable us to deliver quality systems in a predictable and sustainable fashion.” [Booch 1999]

Almost ten years after Booch emphasized the importance of development team productivity, the underlying research topics are only slowly becoming part of mainstream Software Engineering. Research on software development teams requires interdisciplinary approaches to study the interplay of technologies, tools, processes and human factors appropriately. Although the body of research is growing, it is often scattered across different communities such as Software Engineering, Computer-Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) and Knowledge Management.

On the other hand, the trend towards distributed software development – which comes in different flavours such as off-shore- and near-shore development, Open Source communities and inter-organizational project teams – presses researchers to deliver results which help to improve the efficiency of development teams.

In the past, research and practice have often taken different directions – research targeting fancy prototypes, while practitioners adopted pragmatic solutions such as instant messaging, wikis or agile methodologies to increase team productivity. While such hands-on solutions worked quite well for many teams, they lack scientific backing and guidance and have problems to scale up in large and complex project settings. Thus, solutions are sought which embed development methodologies, lightweight approaches for collaboration and knowledge sharing into software development work processes. An example for such an effort is the IBM Jazz platform [Cheng et al. 2004], which intends to seamlessly integrate common collaboration features into IDEs. Thereby, open development platforms such as Eclipse make it easier to transfer research into practice (e.g. the Eclipse mylyn project [Kersten and Murphy 2006]).


In this workshop we would like to bring together researchers and practitioners working on different aspects of collaboration and knowledge sharing in software development to discuss new results and future research challenges. Major topics addressed at the workshop include (but are not limited to):

  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing in development teams and communities.
  • Lightweight and unobtrusive tools, Web 2.0 and Social Semantic Web applications, supporting development teams.
  • Concerns of individual developers in collaboration settings, such as learning, personal productivity, usability and incentives.
  • Approaches and tools for context-aware development and collaboration environments.
  • Assistance and recommendation tools based on team experience.
  • Research methods and approaches for analyzing and designing successful collaboration support.
  • Empirical studies on collaboration and information behavior in development teams.
  • Scientific analysis of the relation between methods/processes, tools and collaborative development practice.


Andreas Abecker, FZI Karlsruhe

Lilith Al-Jadiri, T-Systems

Bernd Bruegge, TU Muenchen

Björn Decker, Empolis GmbH

Robert DeLine, Microsoft Research

Paul Grünbacher, Johannes Kepler University

Hans-Joerg Happel, FZI Karlsruhe

Wolfgang Kaltz, Die Schweizerische Post

Steffen Lohmann, University of Duisburg-Essen

Walid Maalej, TU München

Karsten Nebe, University of Paderborn

Jasminko Novak, University of Zurich

Barbara Paech, University of Heidelberg

Dirk Riehle, SAP Research

Hans Schlichter, TU München

Janice Singer, National Research Council Canada

Anil Kumar Thurimella, Harman/Becker Automotive Systems GmbH

Denny Vrandecic, University of Karlsruhe (TH)

Jürgen Ziegler, University of Duisburg-Essen

Thomas Zimmermann, University of Calgary


Hans-Joerg Happel, FZI Karlsruhe

Steffen Lohmann, University of Duisburg-Essen

Walid Maalej, TU München





  • 20th December: Paper submission
  • 17th January: Author’s notification
  • 31th January: Camera-ready version
  • 2nd March: Workshop


Position, tool-demonstration and experience papers (max 10 pages) are equally welcome for the workshop. They can be submitted via the workshop website (www1.in.tum.de/softeam09). Accepted contributions will be published in the GI-Edition “Lecture Notes in Informatics”. Papers must follow the instructions and templates provided at www.gi-ev.de/service/publikationen/lni/. At least one author should participate in the workshop and register for the SE 2009 conference.


[Booch 1999] Grady Booch: The Software Development Team. 01/1999. URL: http://www.booch.com/architecture/blog/artifacts/swdevteam.pdf

[Cheng et al. 2004] Li-Te Cheng, Cleidson R.B. de Souza, Susanne Hupfer, John Patterson; Steven Ross: Building Collaboration into IDEs. Queue, 1(9):40–50, 2004.

[Kersten and Murphy 2006] Mik Kersten, Gail C. Murphy: Using Task Context to Improve Programmer Productivity. In SIGSOFT’06/FSE-14, pp. 1–11, New York, ACM, 2006.



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  1. web design and software development Avatar

    Is there a workshop any time soon in London?

    1. Dirk Riehle Avatar

      I don’t think so, but to make sure you should contact the organizers. Their email addresses are provided in the call for participation.


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