Tag: Publication
A validation of QDAcity‑RE for domain modeling using qualitative data analysis [RE Journal]
Abstract: Using qualitative data analysis (QDA) to perform domain analysis and modeling has shown great promise. Yet, the evaluation of such approaches has been limited to single-case case studies. While these exploratory cases are valuable for an initial assessment, the evaluation of the efficacy of QDA to solve the suggested problems is restricted by the…
Pattern discovery and validation using scientific research methods [TPLoP Journal]
Abstract: Pattern discovery, the process of discovering previously unrecognized patterns, is often performed as an ad-hoc process with little resulting certainty in the quality of the proposed patterns. Pattern validation, the process of validating the accuracy of proposed patterns, remains dominated by the simple heuristic of “the rule of three”. This article shows how to…
Creating and growing healthy community open source projects [PLoP 2020]
Abstract: This article presents a succinct and minimal handbook of best practices of how to create and grow community open source projects. We start with the assumption that the handbook’s user has a minimal but useful piece of software at hand that they want to open source and build a community around. Keywords: Open source,…
Industry best practices for component approval in open source governance [EuroPLoP 2020]
Abstract: Increasingly companies realize the value of using free/libre and open source software (FLOSS) in their products, but need to manage the associated risks. Leading companies introduce open source governance as a solution. A key aspect of corporate FLOSS governance deals with choosing and evaluating open source components for use in products. Following an industry-based…
The innovations of open source article republished in IEEE Computing Edge’s April 2020 issue
IEEE’s Computing Edge magazine is a practitioner-oriented publication that republishes particularly popular content from other IEEE publications. In the April 2020 issue, they republished last year’s The Innovations of Open Source article that I wrote to open IEE Computer magazine’s bimonthly open source column. Best of all, it is free! (Original version, local copy.) I…
Single-vendor open source firms [Computer Magazine]
I’m happy to report that the seventh article in the open source column of IEEE Computer has been published. Title Single-Vendor Open Source Firms Keywords Open Source, Single-vendor Open Source, Commercial Open Source Authors Dirk Riehle, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg Publication Computer vol. 53, no. 4 (April 2020), pp 68-72 Abstract: This article present a particular business…