Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Publication

  • Challenges of working from home in software development during COVID-19 lockdowns [TOSEM Journal]

    Challenges of working from home in software development during COVID-19 lockdowns [TOSEM Journal]

    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2022 and the resulting lockdowns forced many companies to switch to working from home, swiftly, on a large scale, and without preparation. This situation created unique challenges for software development, where individual software professionals had to shift instantly from working together at a physical venue to working remotely from home.…

  • Management accounting concepts for inner-source software engineering [ICSOB 2022]

    Management accounting concepts for inner-source software engineering [ICSOB 2022]

    Abstract: Inner source software development is the use of open source development’s best practices inside a company. In inner source, developers collaborate on reusable software components across company-internal organizational silo boundaries for mutual benefit. As such, inner source goes against the grain of traditional management techniques. In this article, we present two conceptual models of…

  • A research model for the economic assessment of inner-source software development [HICSS 2023]

    A research model for the economic assessment of inner-source software development [HICSS 2023]

    Abstract: Inner source is the use of open-source practices within companies. It enables more efficient software development, shortens time-to-market, and lowers costs through increased company-internal collaboration. While existing studies examine social and organizational impact factors on inner source adoption, only a few have looked at measuring and economically assessing inner source. This article presents an…