Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: In the Press

  • Translation (to German) of Interview on Open Source in the Public Sector

    Translation (to German) of Interview on Open Source in the Public Sector

    I recently was interviewed about open source in the public sector and blogged my answers here: Should the public sector use open source software? 1/4 Why did munich drop Linux and LibreOffice for Microsoft Windows and Office? 2/4 Should the public sector consider open source only for new purchases? 3/4 Shouldn’t a public government stay…

  • Comments on the state of open source in Germany (in German)

    Comments on the state of open source in Germany (in German)

    A German trade magazine for IT professionals just published an article on the state of open source (in German). Yours truly and many others are featured in there, commenting (or lamenting) on how Germany needs to catch-up on open source, a propellant of digitization, as the author notes.

  • Open source and inner source at IAV (in German)

    Open source and inner source at IAV (in German)

    The house magazine of IAV Automotive Engineering GmbH, a major supplier to the German automotive industry, interviewed Markus Blonn and me about open source and inner source at IAV (in German). We had a good time as you can see 😉