Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: In German

  • Conference talk and magazine article for the Open Logistics Foundation

    Conference talk and magazine article for the Open Logistics Foundation

    In May 2023, I gave a talk about user-led open source consortia at the Open Logistics Foundation’s (OLF) open source innovation day. In a user-led open source consortium, software users come together to develop or sponsor the development of the software they need to run their business as open-source software. The OLF is an excellent…

  • Open source explained (in German, without jargon, in 1500 Words)

    Open source explained (in German, without jargon, in 1500 Words)

    Open-Source-Software, im engeren Sinne, ist Computer-Software (Programme), die kostenfrei genutzt, modifiziert, und weitergegeben werden können. Bekannte Beispiele für Open-Source-Software sind das Linux Betriebssystem und der Firefox Web-Browser. Open Source im weiteren Sinne ist ein von Menschen getragenes Phänomen, das uns ungeahnte Möglichkeiten der weltweiten Zusammenarbeit sowie neue Geschäftsmodelle gegeben hat. 1. Open-Source-Lizenzen Am Anfang standen…

  • Video for breaking down organizational silos with inner source (in German)

    Video for breaking down organizational silos with inner source (in German)

    Eberhard Wolff just published the recording of my lunch chat on Software Architektur TV with him. Our topic was inner source and how to tear down firm-internal silos for better code reuse, more knowledge sharing, and generally more satisfied employees. Check it out below (local copy) or visit Eberhard’s site for it! Or, just take…

  • Breaking down organizational silos with inner source (in German)

    Breaking down organizational silos with inner source (in German)

    This coming Friday, December 11th, 2020, at noon CET, I’ll be a guest in Eberhard Wolff’s Software Architektur lunch chat. Our topic is how to break down organizational silos using open source methods, which is, you guessed it, using inner source. Join me through Software Architektur TV and send us your questions in advance (or…

  • Survey of open source compliance by working group of Bitkom (in German)

    Survey of open source compliance by working group of Bitkom (in German)

    The open source working group of Bitkom, a German IT association, has prepared a short survey on open source compliance in companies. My research group supports the survey. If you are interested, please take the survey (in German).

  • Quote for Unicum Beruf on how IT changes your job (in German)

    Quote for Unicum Beruf on how IT changes your job (in German)

    German student magazine Unicum (Beruf) asked for a quote on the impact that IT and the software industry is having on everyone’s job, so here it is: Die IT verändert die Arbeitsweisen in vielen Berufen. Initial galt dies nur für die IT-Branche selbst und hier insbesondere für die Softwareentwicklung, inzwischen aber sind deren Arbeitsweisen auch…