Tag: Evergreen

  • Who Writes and Prioritizes User Stories?

    I updated this post after I realized that it is more about prioritizing user stories than it is about writing them well. In Scrum, a product owner writes user stories to capture requirements and prioritizes them in a product backlog as the upcoming work queue for developers. The main question on my mind is: Who…

  • Product Manager vs. Product Owner

    Alistair Cockburn pointed us to an excellent article by Melissa Perri about the differences between a product manager and (Scrum) product owner. The article clarifies some confusion. I’d like to repeat and emphasize some points that have been omitted (and where I also disagree). Foremost, a product manager works on products for a market (i.e.…

  • Professors and Startups

    My primary goal in becoming a professor was to turn my (hoped-for excellent) research and teaching into startups. For that reason I created the Startupinformatik program and set-up my teaching to support it. Sadly, I’ve been noticing over the years that things don’t seem to get easier but harder. Specifically, “the system” (I’ll explain below)…

  • But What if Someone Steals My Inner Source Code?

    During my talk at the inner source summit, I was asked about the following worry with establishing inner source at a company: But if we lay all source code open within the company, don’t we run the risk that a disgruntled employee has it too easy to steal all code and publish it on the…

  • Why Don’t Companies Open Source More of Their In-house Code?

    John Mark Walker, in a thread started by Matt Asay, nudged me to provide my opinion on the subject matter. Here we go as a Twitter thread. (I’m trying out Twitter collections and threading for the first time; advice on how to do it better is appreciated.) in-house-code – Curated tweets by dirkriehle

  • Why Companies Don’t Always Free-ride on Open Source Projects

    I presented on open source foundations earlier this week to economist friends at TU Munich. I naturally got the question about freeriding: Why does anyone contribute to open source projects, if they could do something else with their time? The cinch: This time we are talking about companies, not invididual people, so the arguments about…