Latest in Industry and Research Publications
Agile methods course at Tsinghua University
Update 2018-08-01: The old materials are not available any longer; please watch this space for the new release! Update 2012-03-28: I made the course slides available to the public. I just finished teaching a one-week course on agile methods at Tsinghua University, the top (mainland) Chinese engineering school and one of the two leading Chinese…
“Startupinformatik” is a German term for “informatics (computer science) for startups” that I just made up. It is intended to be close to “Wirtschaftsinformatik”, which is German for “informatics for businesses”. So it is about the business of startups and the role software (IT) plays in it. You can read my prior thoughts Enjoy!
Definition of disruptive technology
I got asked three times this week what “disruptive” means so here is my definition 🙂 A technology is disruptive, if it allows new companies to shake up an established market and win against established large companies.
Call for papers: WikiSym 2012
8th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration August 27-29, 2012 | Linz, Austria The International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (WikiSym) is the premier conference on open collaboration and related technologies. In 2012, WikiSym celebrates its 8th year of scholarly, technical and community innovation in Linz, Austria. We are excited this year to…
Why open source is good for German software businesses
I’m on the expert advisory committee of one of the German parties for the current “Internet Enquette”, a commission tasked by the German parliament with suggesting future directions for Germany’s stance toward the Internet and everything digital. At a meeting this evening, a lobbyist confided in me: “Open source is bad for German software vendors!”…
Top-cited research articles on this site
According to Google Scholar, in terms of citations, my leading research paper is: It just reached the 200-citation boundary. Hard on its heels are these: The fastest growing paper (in terms of citations) is this 2007 paper: The “leading” papers are all older papers, as implied by using citations as a measure of relevance. Of…