Latest in Industry and Research Publications
Looking back on one year of public policy consulting
2012 was the year when I first did some serious public policy consulting. I found it quite informative to see how politicians work and what the impact of lobbyists is. I’m a professor of computer science at a German technical university. I also have an M.B.A. from Stanford. I consult on open source, software development,…
Planned inner source: Code reuse across profit-center boundaries (in German) [Technical Report]
Abstract: Wiederverwendung von Softwarekomponenten verspricht, Softwareentwicklung schneller und günstiger zu machen und die Ergebnisqualität zu steigern. Trotz diverser methodischer Ansätze ist es für viele Softwareentwicklungsorganisationen schwierig geblieben, diese Ziele auch nur ansatzweise zu erreichen. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet „Inner Source“, die Verwendung von Open-Source-Praktiken in der firmeninternen Softwareentwicklung, neue Chancen. Inner-Source-Software ist Software, die innerhalb…
The commit size distribution of open-source software (summary)
We finished our work on modeling the commit sizes of open source, called the commit size distribution of open source. This is relevant work for anyone who’d like to know how much code developers are writing for a single commit (code contribution) to a project. For example, if you are developing software development tools, you…
A model of the commit size distribution of open source [SOFSEM 2013]
Abstract: A fundamental unit of work in programming is the code contribution (“commit”) that a developer makes to the code base of the project in work. We use statistical methods to derive a model of the probabilistic distribution of commit sizes in open source projects and we show that the model is applicable to different…
Software architecture is a (poor) metaphor
At FAU, we are now holding our so-named “software architecture” seminar for the second time. It is important to realize (for students as well as the general public) that “software architecture” is a metaphor (or, maybe more precisely, an analogy). Architecture is a discipline several thousand years old, while software architecture is only as old…
Cargo cult public investments?
Richard Feynman, in an enjoyable-to-read article [1], explains what he calls the cargo cult: In the South Seas there is a Cargo Cult of people. During the war they saw airplanes land with lots of good materials, and they want the same thing to happen now. So they’ve arranged to make things like runways, to…