Latest in Industry and Research Publications
Do what you are great at rather than follow your passion?
Interesting commencement speech by Ben Horowitz. When I attended Stanford, I’d regularly listen to the VFTT (View from the Top) speeches of well-known entrepreneurs and executives. I quickly got bored, first, and then upset, second, when these speeches all seemed to be one long slog of follow-your-passion (and everything will work out) talks. “Give me…
Inner source in platform-based product engineering [Technical Report]
Abstract Inner source is an approach to collaboration across intra-organizational boundaries for the creation of shared reusable assets. Prior project reports on inner source suggest improved code reuse and better knowledge sharing. Using a multiple-case case study research approach, we analyze the problems that three major software development organizations were facing in their platform-based product…
Best quotes for promoting open source developer career article
IEEE Computer asked me about some quotes for promoting my recent article on developer careers, to be used on their social media channels. Naturally, I had a field day. A brainstorm ensued. Here are some of the better ones I suggested to them: The changing career of programmers: Open source to help or hurt?…
Mike Milinkovich on open source consortia @mmilinkov
Mike Milinkovich’s talk at OSS 2015 on “How the Eclipse Community Works” Trends What Eclipse does Principles and operations Corporate shenanigans Open source capture
How open source is changing the software developer’s career [Computer Magazine]
Abstract: Software developers with open source project experience acquire verifiable technical expertise, peer-certified competencies, and positional power—advantages that align with companies’ need to obtain a competitive advantage. Read more… Keywords: Software developer career, software labor economics, high-tech labor market, open source, inner source Reference: Dirk Riehle. “How Open Source is Changing the Software Developer’s Career.”…
Only four more weeks until OSS 2015!
Only four more weeks until OSS 2015, the 11th international conference on open source systems! Co-located with ICSE 2015, no less. You can expect a program of leading open source research and invited talks from industry and academia that will challenge your thinking! Sign up now through the ICSE registration website.