Latest in Industry and Research Publications
Call for papers: The 12th international conference on open source systems (OSS 2016)
The 12th International Conference on Open Source Systems Gothenburg, Sweden, 30 May – 02 June 2016 Scope of OSS 2016 Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) has had a disruptive effect on the software industry and the ways that organizations and individuals create, distribute, acquire and use software and software-based services. The FLOSS movement has created…
Einladung zum 2. Offener IT-Gipfel — Offenheit, Innovation & Gesellschaft
Ich werde am 18.11. in Berlin auf dem 2. offenen IT-Gipfel mit einem Vortrag zu Open Source vertreten sein. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Mehr Information zur Veranstaltung.
Call for papers: Continuous software engineering 2016 (workshop at SE 2016)
In order to develop and deliver high-quality products to their customers, software companies have to adopt state-of-the-art software development processes. To face this challenge, companies are applying innovative methods, approaches and techniques like agile methods, DevOps, Continuous Delivery, test automation, infrastructure as code or container-based virtualization. These new approaches have a high impact on the…
Amazon Echo and Skype
I’ve been using my Amazon Echo for a couple of months now and I’m still in awe. The speech recognition, without any training, is great. “Alexa, play KQED” is reacted to promptly and will actually play KQED. It is also intuitive. I did not need a manual to try “Alexa, set volume to 3.” It…
Should cars be programmed to make life or death decisions?
With self-driving cars in our near future, I’ve seen more and more articles about the moral dilemma of what the car should do when faced with an impossible decision, for example, to either kill a grandmother or drive into a flock of children. In my mind, the pundits are getting it all wrong; the underlying…
Another take on explaining open source business models
Open source remains popular and I find myself explaining the economics of it to ever broader audiences. Rather than talking legalese or philosophy, I’ve been wondering about a pitch that focuses on the high-level strategic objective of the companies that are paying for open source. Here is a short summary; let me know if you…