Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.4 Open Source Foundations

  • Open source community governance the Apache Way (Drost-Fromm & Tompkins, IEEE Computer)

    Open source community governance the Apache Way (Drost-Fromm & Tompkins, IEEE Computer)

    I’m happy to report that the 14th article in the open source column of IEEE Computer has been published. Title Open Source Community Governance the Apache Way Keywords Open Source Software, Distributed Computing, Documentation Authors Isabel Drost-Fromm, Apache Software FoundationRob Tompkins, Apache Software Foundation Publication Computer vol. 54, no. 4 (April 2021), pp 70-75 Abstract:…

  • Interpreting the purpose of the Open Usage Commons foundation

    Interpreting the purpose of the Open Usage Commons foundation

    Yesterday, the Open Usage Commons (OUC) foundation announced itself. It is a non-profit which wants to ensure free and fair trademark use of the open source projects under its guidance. My Twitter feed was quick to denounce the OUC as a vanity foundation. It certainly is not. A vanity foundation serves to aggrandize its creators,…

  • Three reasons why companies are creating their own open source consortium

    Three reasons why companies are creating their own open source consortium

    Most open source these days, certainly the most widely used open source, is developed by companies. Open source, by definition, is competitively non-differentiating, so companies can join forces in its development. To so do peacefully, however, they need good governance that preempts conflicts among the participating companies. Such governance is usually provided under the auspices…