Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.6 Software Startups

  • Interview with GSO on academia and entrepreneurship

    Interview with GSO on academia and entrepreneurship

    The German Scholars Organization (GSO) just published an interview with me on how to create startups from research in Germany How can you spin your research into a startup? We asked Dirk Riehle, professor of Computer Science and advocate for founders with an academic background, for insights and advice. Before becoming a professor, Dirk has…

  • Upcoming talks on First Ph.D. Then Startup

    Upcoming talks on First Ph.D. Then Startup

    Next month, February 2021, I will be presenting lightening talks at both FOSDEM 2021 (Feb 6th) and FOSS Backstage 2021 (Feb 10th) about how to get your Ph.D. and have a startup too. At FOSDEM it will be a 5min. presentation, at FOSS Backstage a 15min. presentation. Both conferences are free to attend virtually, and…

  • Ten years of student startups

    Ten years of student startups

    A main reason why I became a professor is to create and guide student startups, in general, and from my research projects in particular. It has been a bumpy ride, to say the least, but I guess, every learning curve is. Data points (startups) are still not plenty, but I can nevertheless discern some learnings.…