Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)
Open source explained (in German, without jargon, in 1500 Words)
Open-Source-Software, im engeren Sinne, ist Computer-Software (Programme), die kostenfrei genutzt, modifiziert, und weitergegeben werden können. Bekannte Beispiele für Open-Source-Software sind das Linux Betriebssystem und der Firefox Web-Browser. Open Source im weiteren Sinne ist ein von Menschen getragenes Phänomen, das uns ungeahnte Möglichkeiten der weltweiten Zusammenarbeit sowie neue Geschäftsmodelle gegeben hat. 1. Open-Source-Lizenzen Am Anfang standen…
What is an open source company?
An open source company is a company whose business model is built on a customer acquisition process in which customers first use a free-to-use open source version of the product before being upsold to a commercial offering by the company. When we talk about commercial open source firms, the word commercial is redundant, because all…
Company support for open source stable for 15 years now?!
I just read Nagle et al.’s Report on the 2020 FOSS Contributor Survey. They find that about 50% of contributors are paid by their employers to work on open source software. This confirms a 2013 paper on paid vs. volunteer work in open source of ours, which also suggested that about half of all development…
Join me at Europe’s Digital Decade: Empowered by Open Source event
On Nov 5, starting at 2pm, a EU task force will present its findings on open source in Europe on hopin. Join the event and/or join me for my panel session at 5pm about commercial open source startups!
Open source in business on labor economics
Dave Neary and colleagues recently started a podcast on open source in business. There are already two episodes out, the first one on product management in commercial open source, and the second one on open source and the cloud. Check them out! Even better yet, yours truly will be on the podcast for the third…
Where is open source in factory automation?
An important benefit of an open source project is that it is long-lived and can’t go out of business. Unlike a closed source supplier, which can go bankrupt, your usage and update rights to an open source software can’t suddenly disappear. From working with customers I know very well that the manufacturers of (comparatively) expensive…