Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)

  • OpenSAGA and Making Community Open Source Attractive

    Over at the OSR Group’s website we just announced that I have joined the scientific advisory board of OpenSAGA, a soon to be released open source infrastructure project for eGovernment services. (SAGA is German for Standards and Architectures for eGovernment Applications so it is somewhat Germany centric.) OpenSAGA was started by one company, Quinscape GmbH,…

  • Next Three Public Open Source Talks

    These are the next three public open source (research) talks I’ll be doing: 2010-04-25: “Open Source Economics” at the 2010 NPFOSST workshop, KACST, Saudia Arabia. 2010-04-30: “Open Source Software Research” at the 2010 Erlanger Informatik-Tag, Erlangen, Germany. (In German.) 2010-05-05: “Why Open Source is Hard for Closed Source Vendors” at JAX 2010, Mainz, Germany.

  • Three Areas of Open Source Economics

    These days, I get involved in a lot of discussions about open source economics. Usually, they lead to an invitation to present our research and clarify “how open source works” to the audience. I’ve found it helpful to distinguish these three rather different areas of open source economics: (1) direct profits, (2) public welfare, (3)…