Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)

  • On the state of using vs. contributing to open source

    On the state of using vs. contributing to open source

    Digital Ocean just published a survey of developers that indicates how companies are getting more comfortable with using open source, but remain much less comfortable with contributing to open source. Matt Asay and Chris Aniszczyk picked up on this, suggesting that open source will become more sustainable if we get those contribution numbers up. What…

  • Open source license compliance in mobile apps

    Open source license compliance in mobile apps

    Open source license compliance is not for the faint of heart. Among many things, a company needs to tell the recipients of a distribution which open source software is used in their products. In the case of mobile apps, free or not, the user is the recipient and the app is the distribution. Downloading an…

  • If GitHub was like Berlin…

    If GitHub was like Berlin…

    Much open source research assumes that all open source projects are alike and that if you take enough of them, you can claim generalizability for your conclusions. GitHub is the main source of such mischief, because of its size and availability. If GitHub was like Berlin, and projects on GitHub were like the people of…