Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)
More Upcoming Talks: Open Source Research
I’ll be presenting the Open Source Research talk repeatedly over the next few months. The next three instances are in China, specifically: After that it’s back to Germany.
Upcoming Talk, Tsinghua University: Open Source Research
报告题目 Open Source Research 报告人 Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle, University of Erlangen, Germany 时间 2011年03月17日(周一) 10:00am-noon 地点 FIT大楼 4-302 Abstract: Open source is not just software but also represents a new approach to software development. This type of software development is different from traditional plan-driven and agile methods and scales up to the largest project…
Control points and steering mechanisms in open-source software projects
Following up on my Lisog talk earlier this month, I was asked to write up the talk’s content. So here we go, my analysis of what commercial open source firms do to manage or steer open source projects they depend on. Abstract: Most commercial software today depends on open source software. The commercial software might…
Upcoming Talk: Steering and Control Mechanisms in Open Source Software Projects (in German)
Next week, on Nov 11, 2011, I’ll give the keynote talk (in German) at the annual Lisog gathering. Lisog is a non-profit organization working to create a sustainable co-existence of open and closed source software. Title: Steering and Control Mechanisms in Open Source Software Projects Abstract: Open source has become commercial. With commercial interests, it…
Upcoming Talk (in German) July 2nd, 2010: Open Source: Was Es Ist, Wie Es Funktioniert, Warum Es Nachhaltig Ist
Speaker: Dirk Riehle Abstract: Open Source bezeichnet nicht nur eine Kategorie von Software, sondern auch einen Ansatz der Softwareentwicklung, welcher sich von plan-getriebenen und agilen Methoden der Softwareentwicklung unterscheidet. Zunehmend betrachtet die Softwareindustrie zudem Open Source als Geschäftsmodell. Dieser Vortrag erläutert an zum Teil überraschenden Beispielen, wie die Open-Source-Softwareentwicklung funktioniert und wie sie sich von…
Linux-Tag Keynote Slides: A New Developer Career
I just finished my Linux-Tag 2010 keynote and so I’m providing the talk slides here under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license. First title and abstract: Title: Open Source: A New Developer Career Abstract: Open source creates a new career ladder for software developers, orthogonal to the traditional career in software firms. Advancing on this…